The Project DynFlex

Power-to-X is a broader term used to describe technologies that convert electric power into alternative energy carriers  including fuels and chemicals. PtX uses surplus energy generated from renewable sources such as wind, solar, or hydro power to produce carbon neutral synthetic fuels, such as hydrogen, ammonia and methanol. The project Dynflex is a collaborative effort of numerous partner organizations, each contributing their expertise and resources towards a common objective of digitalization and testing for dynamic and flexible operation of PtX and systems. Digitalization for flexible, dynamic, and efficient operation of grid integrated PtX plants requires:

• Simulation, forecasting, monitoring, control, and optimization methods

• Fault-detection, condition monitoring, and predictive maintenance methods for components

• Real-time hardware-in-the loop emulation and test facilities for components and systems in lab and at full scale

  • Aqsa Marium

    PhD Student

  • Anomaly detection algorithms in safe operation of PtX

    The project involves the development of methodologies aimed at achieving comprehensive plant-wide fault detection. It also includes conducting risk assessments and computing potential consequences, thereby providing plant operators with essential information to make informed decisions regarding production halts, part replacement, or repair actions. In the development of fault-detection algorithms, advanced strategies rooted in deep neural networks and model based approaches are explored .



